Friday, 30 August 2013

Capturing this week ending Friday, 30 August 2013...

Hello All,

This week started and ended on two different notes.  For the last two months I have been working on the Pedometer for the Medical Device Plugin.  I started working on this pedometer using Cordova's accelerometer.watchAcceleration.  For a while this was ok, until further research showed that JavaScript files cannot be run as a service.  For the time I had developed the pedometer I spent time creating a JQuery Mobile Interface that used sliders and range sliders that allowed the user to adjust their stride length and low step intensity and high step intensity.  The user could start getting their data and stop as well.  Now the challenge is creating the Pedometer using Native Android Java and Services that allow the user to run the Pedometer in the background.  Already I have the steps counting.  I have the service.  But there are other features that I am still querying, as well as the fact that the request to create the Pedometer natively is still new and the full feature set may be fairly wide.  I hope to have this finished soon.  The WWW is full of papers and labs that talk about accelerometers.  Finding out what a step was challenge that involved brainstorming with fellow crew members.  I would like to thank them for being so patient.  But the challenge remains for the job to be completed.  This is just one week.  Next week continues.  I hope for further progress as I look forward to seeing the final product.